Saturday, March 31, 2007


1) 你會唔會做一份人工高,但係要你犧牲九成私人時間既工?
2) 一份工作裡面,最能夠俾到你滿足感既又係d乜? 金錢?受人尊重?工作性質?抑或仲有其他?
3) 工作同事業,響你既人生裡面,佔幾重要既位置?
4) 你有冇試過覺得鬱鬱不得志?有既話,你又覺得問題同原因響邊度?









Friday, March 30, 2007

Photo Hunting

Just saw this CD album at the CD shop. Very nice collection packing. Did you notice anything go wrong?

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Observe and Change

Learn from the meditation class tonight. We're always in the changing status. We are happy this moment but we will be unhappy the next moment.

We should be observe and aware of our feelings and emotions. By observing our emotion, we can decide how to react to things happening around us. We can decide to follow our behavioral habits but we always have the choice to change and use other ways to deal with. We may be buffed by some unreasonable words. We look at our angry feelings, we can decide to react with angry words or choose to listen, accept and accommodate.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Oscar on the Web

Last week YouTube organized the best online video voting campaign, allowing us to vote for :
  • The best creative award
  • The best inspiring award
  • The best short movie award
  • The best comedy award
  • The best music award
  • The best commentary award
  • The best animals award
There is no traditional best actor, nor best actress nor best director awards. So have you casted your voted? Will the "Bus Uncle" get the best comedy awards?

The results have been announced. Check out here

Saturday, March 24, 2007

我是最後知道的一個 CK思祺

曲詞:劉祖德 唱:CK思祺

即使我做錯 亦當沒錯

* 無人像你這麼伴我
疲倦發呆 都�|來陪我 同哼愛歌

沒法離去 唯有再拖
即使你沒法 為我承諾


仍是往來 不間斷陪我 回憶更多
然後你終於明白在找 找甚麼

Last week I shopped by the CD shop, just picked up a CD cover that seems interesting - a local artist named CK , titled "Perfect Disorder" whom I didn't know and never heard of. I just bought it and surprisingly, it is a very high quality CD. Good music, good lyrics and good performance. This is her first CD. CK voice is mature and touching, with the street band sound touch. In particular I like this song.


Browse CK Official Web Site

Friday, March 23, 2007

Busy Busy Days

I just cannot recall when I started my busy life at TDC? Is it a month ago? half years ago? or the day when I first join TDC and I have never get an easy life?

I leave my office on tonight, the quiet Friday night. Do you know when the "Delifrance" at the lobby closed at night?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My Team

This is a snap shoot of my team. We have been working hard and playing hard. Indeed, I will probably die with tones of works and pressure, without the jokes and fun of my team-mates. Thanks so much!

Let's take a break, should we!

PS. Do you recognize my handwriting on the white board in the background? Do you know if there is any class to teach how to write in white board? I need some training to make my characters recognizable :-D

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Entertainment Expo

As I film lovers, it is my first time to visit the Entertainment Expo - Filmart and Asian Film Forum. The film posters and the moody visual bring me out of the earth for a while.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

I start to see the advertisement for the Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive Donald Tsang everywhere. It reads " I'll get the job done". I am always wondering about this statement. Isn't that something that we should do, whatever the job that we takes or the roles we perform? We don't need to spell it out as we should always be committed to our works and our lives? It should be something like "default" set, rather than a election slogan?

This should be the statement that we judge after 5 years later. Let's keep an eye on it.

Eugene, will you get your job done?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Photo Day

It was an wonderful experience to hang out with my photo gangs and shot the night scene of Hong Kong. Initially I was worried that it just keep raining in the early afternoon but then the rain actually clear up the moody and cloudy sky. The night of Hong Kong is so clear and tranquil. With such a group of passionate friends in such a magic night! What a night!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Visit to Hong Kong Observatory

Wow,I am so lucky to get the chance to visit Hong Kong Observatory organised by the TDC United. It is a warm and breezy day. It is an eye-opening exercise to understand more about HKO history and daily work and also the conserved natural environment surrounding the Observatory. Just can't imagine the little backyard forest in Tsim Shat Tsui, and more interesting tips. HKO Director just live by his office!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

研究:咖啡不能提神 (明報) 03月 07日 星期三 05:10AM

廣 告


依賴咖啡因 起後不適


Usability Workshop

I am so lucky to get the chance to join the "Fundamental Guidelines for Web Usability" workshop by Jakob Nielsen, Hoa Loranger and Kara Pernice Coyne. Jakob is the usability guru and advocate. I am his fan for many years. It is an eye opening and amazing experience to see how the eye tracking research and video. It is also a good break from the busy life.

Browse here for more details

Monday, March 05, 2007

Introduction to Meditation

I have joined a 10 week course titled "Introduction to Meditation". Last Thursday is my first class. My original thought is: the coach will teach us some technique to focus and concentrate our mind. Instead, our coach teach us the relaxation technique borrowed from Yoga discipline to help us to relax ourselves. The meditation is actually the last few minutes after half hours body workout.

So never consider meditation is a mind-only exercise. It is the results of mind-and-body concentration and rest.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Welcome Comments

I just did not realize when transferring my blog to the new blogger, the comments section has been restored to default where users need to register with a gmail or blogger account in order to express comments.

Thanks Zoe for reading my blog and let me know. Feel free to drop me any comments, thoughts and feelings!
Sleeping with Fever

I've got a cold on Friday and keep sleeping this weekend. Hope to recharge to full speed quickly before going back to work on Monday again.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Welcome to the Mac World

Finally I have gone my Mac Notebook. It is the first time I own my own Mac. I really want to own a Mac notebook when I start my first job in Microsoft, but it was too expensive for me. It's the best gift to celebrate my two years stay at TDC. It is also a new learning and usability experience for me to use Max OS 10 Tiger.