Friday, February 16, 2007



愛將唔同。愛將會分擔你響公司之內遇到既事,工事上佢會share你個mind,你會俾佢感受你感受到既野。點解佢會成為你既愛將呢?就係因為佢不但可以感受到你感受既野,佢仲懂得base on你既感受,你既性格同你既處事方法,去幫你解決問題。處理每一個問題既時候,亦懂得去考慮你既立場同處境。佢地未必係好聰明既Staff,不過,佢地同你有一種特別既默契,所以佢幫你處理問題既時候,零舍合你心水。簡單講,即係夾。


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Nam Sham Science Park

Saturday, February 10, 2007

On the Scene

by Lu Ping (Taiwan's Cultural Ambassador to Hong Kong)

  • Don't accept what people say at face value. Be curious, dig deeper and try to find out the truth yourself
  • We learn about the experiences of different people from the media. They all reflect something about life and can help us see ourselves from new perspectives.
  • Don't allow yourself to be typecast. We should dare to go againts others' expectations and to be ourselves.

辭唔辭職係唔係因為經唔起考驗呢,有時好難有一個客觀標準既。一份工做得好長,亦唔代表你份人特別tough。只不過,或者你係時候檢討一下過去你辭職既理由係d咩,諗清楚你想搵一份點樣既工作。好多朋友不停轉工既其中一個理由係,佢地自己都冇諗清 楚自己想要一份點既工作同職業。每份工都有好多唔好既地方,唔好既同事。當你做緊一份工既時候,你一定會感受到果份工果d負面既野。唯一可以令你支持到落 去既,就係你「清楚知道」做緊果份工,係你想做既工作,係你想處身既行業,係你想處身既文化,當然,最重要既,係繼續留響度做,有你想要既將來囉。如果你未搞清呢d野,咁工作上既任何一個負面Factor,都可以逼到你辭職啦。
What do you like to do?

Recenty I am hiring a project assistant, I'd like to ask the job seekers during interview" What do you like to do?" It is a simple but tricky question. Some people may find it very difficult to answer. Especially when we worked for a couples of years, we have so many responsibilities and roles to play, our feelings and visions become blurred.

It is not difficult to answer it. All we need to do is to follow our hearts :

(1) If you like it, you want to do it. You will never feel tried. (The same principle apply to career, relationship building and personal interests.)
(2) If you like it, you would share with your friends, and keep telling your friends that what you are doing and what sort of interesting elements inside.
(3) The most important thing is you feel satisfied. You are not doing for anyone and you just feel satisified, happy and rewarding.

How much time we spent on each day to listen to our hearts?