Thursday, November 16, 2006

Future Direction

It is almost the year end and best time for rethink and plan for future direction. What are my priorities in next year (and in the coming 3 years)? Should I
  • Study for a new course
  • Acquire a professional qualification like CPA, CFA
  • Continue to brush up my mandarin
  • Learn new management and communication skills
  • 200% devoted to my work
  • Focus on my family and friends
We can have everything, but not at the same time. I will need to think through to pick the right direction and strive to reach the destination.

1 comment:

mausekopf said...

eugene, you are always so serious and devoted to everything ... you know, sometimes things just happen and can be quite out of your expectation. This is what makes life fun and full of expectation!

btw, forget about the CFA - what's the point? CPA sounds good ...