Monday, December 27, 2004

this christmas is very quiet actually. no gathering nor party with friends..and actually throughour the three holidays, I've been in PolyU to study for exam on 28 Dec. It's been the first time where Chritmas days turns to examination preparation day.

reading the materials of software engineering. I think I've learned more, not purely for examination purpose, but I'd know more, especailly on OO Design and UML It's been an interesting experience, not only purely to study for examination but also capture the learning and fun during the process.

and besides, it's been fun to read some books at night (that I purchased online but hasn't got time to read). after the exam and the study, I'd have plenty of time to read these books seriously.

so today is the last Christmas holiday, get prepared for the last study day and shoot for tomorrow. I can imagine many friends gathering will happen next year.

1 comment:

mausekopf said...

lo lik! lo lik!!

all the best on your exams!