Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lora and Benny's Wedding

This is one of the touching wedding ceremony I attend. Small and beautiful church, lovely and sweet couple. May I wish Lora and Benny a happy and gorgerious married life!
They come in the church as Lora and Benny, now they step out as LoraANDBenny!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Day Trip to Disneyland

Today is a relax holiday. Wake up late at 10am. Have a relax breakfast and lunch and we set off for disneyland. We just visited the "Car", "Small World" and "Mike's Christmas Home". It's a relax and wonderful day here. No rush, nu hurry, no pressure, just walk around, shoot photo and keep on saying "Merry Christmas". I am so surprised that I meet two colleagues there. The world is so small.

Now I've got my annual pass and can visit anytime next year!
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Enjoy the Day

We tend to complain too much! Complain the world is unfair, the boss is so bad, the work has too much pressure...sometimes when we take the time to rethink, there are so many things that we need to treasure, so many things that we should appreciate and say thank you!

I'd played tennis tonight. It's windy but I kick the tennis ball with full swing! Good hits. What a happy moment!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Friends' Wedding - John and Iris

So happy to join John and Iris wedding banquet. I know them pretty well for almost 10 years. They have dated for almost 20 years. It's just so happy to see them finally get together! It's not easy. Believe me, if we have hearts, we'll gonna make it!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Yang Xue Fei in Recital

The first guitar solo by Yang Xue Fei in Hong Kong. It's full house and the music is beautiful. I even met KC and Chole there.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Day the Earth Stood Still

1951 Version

2008 Version