Sunday, May 25, 2008


I've kept an articles by Karina Lam describing her sister. It's a simple but wonderful snap shoot. I should write one piece for myself.

  • Name: Jasmine
  • Occupation: Accountant
  • City of Residence: Vancouver
  • Ever been to Hong Kong: A few times
  • 3 things you remember about Hong Kong: Dim Sum, The Peak, Sister
  • Favorite Song: Utada Hikaru
  • When do you happy: Family and friends
  • What you don't do: Buy clothes that are not machine washable
  • What's the most important things you've been told: Keep life simple and love more
  • Worst thing that ever happened: Dad was in the hospital
  • Best Style for you: Consumes
  • prefect Saturday: To have afternoon tea with my friends and /or family
  • If you ere stranded on island, who would you take with you: Pegasus
  • Lesson learned: Once you can accept death, you can learn how to live
  • What inspire you: Music, laughter, art and intelligent people
  • Greatest influence: Family, friends and a movie which calls <<>>
  • Hope for the future: If you watched Al Gore's <>, then you will know my sentiments.
  • If, you had any magic power, what would it be: To have a door that can take me wherever I want to go.

Monday, May 12, 2008

See Through the Wood

I have joined the HASE training program for two consecutive days last week. Our trainer closes the course with a very special ceremony. We need to write our aspiration and wishes on a 1 inch wood board. We are still wondering why we need to write down on such a thick wood. Our trainer soon announces the reason – we need to use our hand to break the wood board into two pieces. Remember it is one inch height. It is an impossible task to me. While our trainer tells us some tips to do it, I am still wondering whether it is possible? Will it hurt? Should I just look at what others do first before I step out?

I keep my mind focused. Don’t panic! There is only one sentence in my mind:” I can do it!” With less than a second, my right hand swing and chop down on the wood, and it broke into two pieces sharply and beautifully.

I have learnt a lot from this exercise. It is definitely the most impressive and rewarding exercise in my life.

  • Clear direction and objective is the key to success!
  • With clear direction, we need clear execution business strategy correctly.
  • Support and encouragement from my team mates is very important!
  • We need to “See though the wood”. The objective is not the wood itself. We’re going to just to touch the wood, we’re actually cut through the wood.
  • Nothing is possible. There is no impossible thinking. Everything is possible.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Successful Company

I didn't really count how many years did I work. Should be more than than ten years, right Eugene? I didn't change job very frequently. I pooled my heart in whatever challenges I faced. Through emotionally and physically devoted to my job, I suffered a bit depressed and loss each time I changed my job.

Yet, with the deep involvement and commitment to my job, I have the chance to submarine into each company corporate culture. Experiencing the happiness and sadness, fighting the pressure and enjoying the tranquilness, sharing the management's vision and building the team culture...

While facing many challenges with my new jobs, I take some time to rethink and re-conceptualize each company culture that I worked with. I have got chances to work in local Chinese companies, international companies, semi-government bodies, start up, or form industry angle: IT company, FMCG company, trade promotion company, finance company, a DOTcom, bank. A successful company talk about clear business strategy, sustainable revenue, market share...but at the end, people is the key factor to delver the success. Could a company recruit, develop and retain the talent? Could a company treat the people as their precious asset? Do a manager just talk about caring his or her subordinates or he or she really care them? We talk too much about business strategy but where is the people to develop and execute the strategy. Do we really care the people? People centric company culture is not about annual dinner nor branding exercise. People culture is about the corporate policy, about the reward policy, about the daily work, about how managers work with his or her team, about manager walk out of his comfort cubicle, about how everyone work together to achieve the common objectives!

When is the last time I say "Thank You!" to my team? Did I ever say " well done! I am so lucky with your help and presence here!"

After over 10 years of wandering, I just realize people is the fundamental factor of a successful company.