I've kept an articles by Karina Lam describing her sister. It's a simple but wonderful snap shoot. I should write one piece for myself.
- Name: Jasmine
- Occupation: Accountant
- City of Residence: Vancouver
- Ever been to Hong Kong: A few times
- 3 things you remember about Hong Kong: Dim Sum, The Peak, Sister
- Favorite Song: Utada Hikaru
- When do you happy: Family and friends
- What you don't do: Buy clothes that are not machine washable
- What's the most important things you've been told: Keep life simple and love more
- Worst thing that ever happened: Dad was in the hospital
- Best Style for you: Consumes
- prefect Saturday: To have afternoon tea with my friends and /or family
- If you ere stranded on island, who would you take with you: Pegasus
- Lesson learned: Once you can accept death, you can learn how to live
- What inspire you: Music, laughter, art and intelligent people
- Greatest influence: Family, friends and a movie which calls <<>>
- Hope for the future: If you watched Al Gore's <
>, then you will know my sentiments. If, you had any magic power, what would it be: To have a door that can take me wherever I want to go.